“Nevertheless, this is no time for the friends of freedom to fold their arms and consider their work at an end. The price for liberty is eternal vigilance.” (“One Day for Poetry and Song,” 1862).
Douglass wrote it, not Thomas Jefferson.No matter how many 'folks' try to credit it to him. Yes...that matters. On Sarah Sally Heming's behalf, it does.
Category Archive: #ontheroadagain
There she is~
It is today that our best work can be done, not some future day.
W.E.B. Du Bois
If in the aftermath of a freak accident your body cannot be comfortable in an incorrect position without pain, perhaps it wasn't an injury...but instead was an internal adjustment.
That’s coercion! DNA checking dna 😂He knew, She knew😅
& now, for your moment of Zen[tears]| Meanwhile in America
True, but if he trained you right his eventual kids would be lopsided due to the nutpunch received for it|#siblings
FTR: This ‘latter-day Serfdom screaming for a King’ is keyed to 300 million already living like serfs from like 99, onward. This article is from 2013[LINK]
SO many have been Bamboozled …but thank God all have not.
I've just gotten to this weird head of 'You can't be too angry at the literal offspring of serfs that were kicked out of their European communities for tainting them with bad energy now blindly calling for a King 200+ years after the fact because they've still not made peace with that mess.'
Mitochondrial memory is wild.
Entertainment= entrainment.
& it 100% led to Roe v Wade being overturned.
The popular psyche got infected with ‘the ideal’ embedded in the show & like a laser, all that focus helped it begin to come to fruition.
The producers of this shit got women to think/see championing this show was The Resistance. That was the marketing blitz. All the powerful women playing parts behind the scenes to tell this “Important Story.”
& Women were rapt, waiting with baited breath for each episode. The PR move was to make making this top of mind be seen as a feminist war cry… Women were Obsessed with this show. But as instantly as that show blitz began, the media started with “Which would you be, a Wife or a Handmaid?” tongue in cheek musing.
& Women ate it up. Blindly. daydreaming they’d fare better as a wife and judged other chicks as Handmaids…they pulled on that entire suit of poisoned armor as I looked on, aghast…then washed my hands of it.
The Handmaids tale is why I stopped harping on all those pink pussy hats just happening to flood DC for Trump’s first inauguration. Because that sharing, with that rabid reaction to that show I saw they Wanted this. even subconsciously. A lot more women than would ever consciously admit to it, then. As the laws changed state by state criminalizing abortion with tweaks on the way To the actual overturning I occasionally tried pointing it out again. Then was like fuck it.
They did the Capitol attack before the capitol attack, right? Still flew over everyone’s head. “Omg! Where did they get that idea from?”
& now…people will passively watch again. Now feeling numb & helpless.
No understanding that their feed is poisoned, they will psychologically eat. Not understanding that looking for a way out in the art of those who benefited from trapping them in is madness, that any playbook seen in the pages that waft down from those who locked them in only ensures the opposite.
Feasting anyway.
Instead of doing all the shit women & men should be doing to face down the real world shit literally afoot to the spec of the preamble to the show…
They’ll be angrily tuning in. Rapt, once again.