a few aspects yall are missing on the Montgomery brawl…

I understood another layer to why this is hitting home with me in a more lighthearted sense. It hit listening to the folks the same color as the initial attackers yowling that their cousins deserved that comeuppance.

I walked away to check on my curry as some of the responsive commentary continued to play and started laughing my ass off as the white men started comically lambasting their cousins…

Because sight unseen? THEY all sounded like my uncles cracking jokes playing spades.

I never honored how Persistent the Montgomery twang IS in tha Cleveland drawl lolol.

For the record…I told y’all when Mr. SMITH popped and everyone freaked out… that y’all needed to stop swinging on folks you’d grown accustomed to being the bigger person. I told y’all folks were going to start swinging back in unexpected ways.